Auberges de jeunesse de Charente Maritime

Auberges de jeunesse de Charente Maritime.




Charente Maritime Youth Hostels host more than 50,000 overnight stays (50 % group and 50 % individual) and more than 35,000 meals (mainly groups) are served every year. It is one of the most important structures in the provinces.
The mix of people welcomed stregthens the Youth Hostel project: creating a space for exchanges (local, departmental, national and international) for the benefit of all.
Some examples of actions taken:
  • Organisation and hosting of international meetings, in partnership with the film festival and the French institute,
  • Cooperation with the local integration network (Pôle Emploi, DTAS, local mission...) in order to propose a return-to-work project to job seekers.
  • Willingness to better welcome a handicapped public that aims at learning to live together.
  • Convention on the reception of young people from the Parisian suburbs
  • Hosting of numerous sports courses (sailing, handball, volleyball...)

For many years, La Rochelle Youth Hostel has been focusing on quality, rewarded with the HI Quality label in 2011, renewed in 2014, as part of an integration policy aimed at encouraging access to employment for a wide range of people, the results of this approach show that more than 50% of the people who came here on assisted contracts have successfully completed their retraining Environmental approach, obtaining the Ecolabel in 2012, renewed in 2016, and welcoming people with disabilities - Tourism and Disability Label in 2015, renewed in 2020.