Thanks to the many entries received and the involvement of ISTO members through their inspiring projects, the first edition of the ISTO Awards was a great success. ISTO, which wishes to continue highlighting the members of its network to promote the social sustainability of tourism, is pleased to announce the launch of the second edition of the ISTO Awards!
In 2022, the International Social Tourism Organisation (ISTO) awarded five member organisations and one non-member organisation for their innovative and inspiring projects in the field of Tourism For All. From the training of tourism agents for inclusion, to the programme to overcome inequalities in access to holidays and tourism training for low-income workers, or the creation of a Masters in LGBT Tourism, the members have truly demonstrated their commitment to promoting tourism centred on people, their needs and their expectations.
You can read more about the 2022 winners in this article.
It was only natural that ISTO chose to repeat the experience and launched the second edition of the ISTO Awards. This year, the ISTO Awards are open only to members in three categories: Initiatives from Destinations, Initiatives from Associations and the Private Sector, and Initiatives from Academia and Researchers.
In line with the work carried out by ISTO for the social sustainability of tourism, each entry will be assessed according to 5 main criteria, including whether the project, programme, action or research takes into account the 5 categories of the Brussels Addendum. Three categories for three prizes and ever more initiatives for Tourism for Fair and Sustainable Tourism for All.
Entries are open until 19 July, and for the lucky ones, the awards ceremony will take place at the ISTO World Congress in San José, Costa Rica, from 21 to 25 October 2024.
All the information is available on the page dedicated to the ISTO Awards.
Do not wait any longer, send in your project, programme or initiative "Towards the Social Sustainability of Tourism"!