Our ISTO Americas Director was in Colombia from October 23 to 31 2019.
Invited by the Vice-Ministry of Tourism of this country, Veronica Gomez participated in the 4th edition of the International Congress of Accessible Tourism - CITA 2019, which took place on 25 and 26 October in La Tebaida, in the Quindio department. She presented the opening conference on "Main Challenges in Latin America for Accessible Tourism" as well as participated in the talk show "Building Action Plans for Inclusive and Accessible Tourism". Veronica Gomez at the CITA Congress As part of this tour, on October 24 in Florencia, Caqueta, she gave the conference "Global Trends in Social Tourism". This participation took place within the framework of the meeting of the Asociacion Nacional de Cajas de Compensacion - ASOCAJAS which had as its theme "Social Tourism and its link with Accessible Tourism". Two other conferences were also held, one in Medellin and the other in Bogota, on the theme of "Social tourism and its role as a key element in the sustainable development of tourism in Colombia". Our director took the opportunity to meet with the senior executives of Comfenalco Antioquia (ISTO member) and to visit some of their facilities. It also held various meetings with tourism operators and local, regional and national tourism authorities in the country. Veronica Gomez visiting the facilities of Comfenalco Antioquia.