Caja de Compensación Familiar Comfenalco Antioquia

Caja de Compensación Familiar Comfenalco Antioquia.

Families, Seniors, Youth



Comfenalco Antioquia (a legal non-profit entity of private law) is an organisation that wants to improve the living conditions of thousands of families from Colombia by providing complete social security programmes. To achieve its goals and to subsidise part of their programmes, Comfenalco Antioquia established agreements with regional, national and international - public or private - entities, that promote programmes for the poorest populations in the areas of health, housing, education, recreation and tourism, culture and economic well-being. Relying on their own hotel offer (network of hotels and camping), ecological and amusement parks, Comfenalco Antioquia develops various packages and discovery tours, accessible to families but also programmes for seniors and youth.