ISTO presented its overview of social tourism in the Americas.
On May 15-17 2019, was held in Guatemala City and La Antigua, Guatemala, the 64th Regional Commission for the Americas of the World Tourism Organization, an annual meeting that brings together the Ministers of Tourism of the Americas.
This event was held in partnership with the Guatemalan Institute of Tourism - INGUAT, which is also a member of ISTO, and was attended by the representatives of ISTO Americas, its president, Sergio Rodriguez and its director, Veronica Gomez. It was an excellent opportunity to meet the different ISTO members Ministers in the Americas. From left to right: Jorge Mario Chajon, Director of INGUAT, accompanied by Veronica Gomez, director of ISTO, and Sergio Rodriguez, president of ISTO Americas in La Antigua, Guatemala. As part of this meeting, on May 16, the "International Seminar on Tourism Destination Management - New Challenges, New Solutions" was held, the main objective of which was to discuss the new challenges and the role of the organizations that manage destinations, whose skills are becoming increasingly important, from a purely marketing and promotional perspective to a complete management of the destination. Taking advantage of the visit, the INGUAT authorities asked ISTO Americas director, Veronica Gomez, to give a conference on May 14 in Guatemala City for ministry officials on the "Overview of Social Tourism in the Americas ". On May 17, in La Antigua, she presented the conference "Social tourism of the XXI century" to the public authorities and members of the private sector of this city. To conclude the visit of the representatives of ISTO's Americas section in Guatemala, a collaboration agreement, which will support and encourage the development of social tourism in Central America, has been signed with the Sistema de Integración Turística Centroamericana - SITCA, which brings together the Ministers of Tourism of the following countries: Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Panama and the Dominican Republic.